

  • 作者: 尧鸣
  • 来源: 投稿
  • 2024-03-02

When starting orexpanding a business to international markets, one of the mostimportant decisions you will need to make is choosing a company name.This name will be associated with yo* brand and how customersperceive yo* business. There are some things you should keep in mindwhen selecting a company name in China.


When choosing acompany name in China, it is important to consider the following:


Each company inChina has its unique name and it should be in Chinese.


A company name is abrand identity and is used to market a business’s products orservices.


As a business’sreputation grows around the world, it is wise to consider themeaning of a company’s name in each local market and insome cases, create a local name for different consumers. In Chinathis is particularly important – because the meaning, sound,tone, and even look of the Chinese characters you choose for yo*company name can affect a brand’s reputation.


Three ways to chooseyo* Chinese trademark name


Create a literaltranslation


A literaltranslation works when the trademark has a distinctive meaning. Forexample, Apple chose the brand name ‘Ping Guo’ (苹果),which is Chinese for ‘apple’. Similarly, Palmolive isknown as ‘Zong Lan’ (棕榄),a combination of the exact translation of ‘palm’ and‘olive’.

当商标具有独特的含义时,直译就起作用了。例如,苹果公司选择了“苹果”(苹果)这个品牌,这是中文“苹果”的意思。同样,Palmolive也被称为“Zong Lan”(棕榄),是“palm”和“olive”的精确翻译的组合。

The disadvantage ofthis method is that the Chinese characters will sound different fromyo* original trademark. This means that marketing time and moneywill need to be spent on building the association between yo* Romancharacter trademark and the Chinese character trademark.


Create a phonetictranslation


A phonetictranslation involves creating a Chinese character name that soundslike yo* trademark. Pinyin is the official Chinesephonetic alphabet that uses Roman characters, which can be used tocreate the transliteration. For example, ‘McDonald’s’is known as ‘Mai Dang Lao’ (麦当劳),to local Chinese consumers. ‘Siemens’ goes by the name of‘Xi Men Zi’ (西门子),‘KFC’ is known as ‘Ken De Ji’ (肯德基)to locals, and ‘Audi’ is known as ‘Ao Di’(奥迪).


This method ispreferable when yo* trademark already has a reputation amongstChinese speaking consumers. However, care must be taken when choosinga phonetic version of a foreign mark, because the Chinese character*ay have an undesirable meaning in one or more of the six majorChinese dialects.


Combine a literaland phonetic translation


The best trademarksare those that sound the same and also make reference to a definingcharacteristic of yo* brand or have positive meaning in Chinesecult*e. For example, after considering hundreds of combinations ofthe fo* syllables that make up its name, Coca-Cola finally settledwith ‘Ke Kou Ke Le’ (可口可乐),which means ‘taste and be happy’. The German brand‘Fuchs’ which in German means ‘fox’ istranslated into ‘Fu Si’ (福斯)which translates to ‘good luck and blessing’.


Regardless of whatmethod you choose, it is recommended to engage a professionalChinese-speaking expert to ens*e that the Chinese characters youchoose do not have a negative connotation.


In 2017, China’sState Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), introducedthe Rules for the Prohibition and Restriction of EnterpriseNames, which ban businesses from registering company namesauthorities consider “strange”, overly long, politicallysensitive, or mimicking existing brands.


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